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Garden Notes

Bug Zapper, New Garden Tool?

Posted by Genie | July 10, 2014

Current Bug Zapper and new Zapper I bought as a gift for my sister.


Our Wisconsin summer of 2014 had a lot of rain in both spring and early summer. All that moisture brings beautiful lush gardens, too many weeds and a bumper crop of mosquitos. While my watering chores have been pretty much eliminated, I do spend a lot of time trying to keep ahead of the weeds.

My normal way of coping with the mosquito problem is to work in the yard when we have a good breeze blowing or else spray with “Off” before I go out. However, sometimes I just wear long pants, long sleeves, gloves, shirt color turned up and hope for the best.

This year I found a new answer to biting mosquitos while vacationing with friends in
St. Germain, Wisconsin. On the first evening while chatting on the outdoor deck at our cabin with friends, I noticed that one woman kept swatting what appeared to be a tennis racquet at the ever circling mosquitos that were trying to bite her. Whenever she connected with one, we heard a loud “bssst” sound as she eliminated one more miserable mosquito. Of course we all had to try her gadget and there was a lot of laughing and talk about electrocuting bugs. The next day, we made a shopping trip into town and most of the women bought a bug zapper.

When I got home and began working in my garden again, I kept the zapper in my bucket of tools. While I worked in the open sunny areas of our yard it was fine, but when I moved into the shady wooded areas, hungry mosquitos started attacking. I took out my zapper, swung around my immediate area a few times and heard the satisfying sound of “bssst, bssst, bssst.” When the immediate area was cleared of bugs, I put my zapper back and continued on. Then as new mosquitos found me, I would repeat the action described above. There is something very satisfying about fighting back instead of merely trying to avoid the mosquitos.

Now after using my zapper for a couple of weeks, I find that it kills other bugs as well, but many fly very quickly making it difficult to make contact. However mosquitos fly slowly and are very easy to kill. So, for the cost of $7.00,  I have a new garden tool that has proven very useful. I love my bug zapper!


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