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Archive for the ‘Edibles’ Category


Lasagna Mulch for Strawberries

  Strawberries are a rewarding fruit crop that will produce for many years in the home garden. All you need is a small space with sunshine, reasonably good soil and a gardener willing to water when the weather is dry. Strawberries need 1-2 inches of water each week and this is especially important from early […]

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garden peas

Peas – Planting Experiment

We all know that peas are a cool-season crop and may be planted as soon as the soil can be worked. They are a great crop for beginners and can grown in a variety of soils if you provide good drainage. It is always one of the first vegetables I plant in the spring and […]

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Climbing-beans in garden

Why Grow Your Own Food?

There is great joy in gardening for many of us who love the process of tilling the soil, planting our seeds or small plants and nurturing them to beautiful specimens that enhance our gardens. It provides healthful exercise with a purpose, and to me, is so much better than walking on a treadmill. I have […]

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Amish blueberry patch

Amish Blueberry Patch

If you are a Wisconsin gardener with alkaline clay soil, growing blueberries is quite a challenge. My brother-in-law who lives in the northern Wisconsin had been trying for at least 10 years to grow blueberries with very limited success. He bought blueberry bushes that were hardy in Wisconsin, planted them carefully, then kept them watered […]

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It’s the Great Pumpkin!

On our vacation this year we stopped to visit my sister Milly and her husband Jim who live in Cornucopia, Wisconsin. Since I have been writing about gardens, they took us to their son Jim’s pumpkin patch to see his entry for the Giant Pumpkin Fest held in Nekoosa, Wisconsin. It was an amazing sight! […]

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Rogue Potato family!

My “Rogue Potato” has been growing all summer in the compost bin and has shared the space with a  couple of zucchini plants for most of that time. For the most part the potato and zucchini were good neighbors, but eventually the squash got really pushy and began to shade out the potato. Luckily the […]

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