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Archive for the ‘Perennials – for sun’ Category

Happy Accidents in the Garden

Some years ago, I planted Oxeye Daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) or wild daisy in my perennial bed. I got them from a friend and since they were free, I took a few plants and placed them in several locations. The daisies liked my garden and did well, but it seemed that every year, just when the […]

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Euphorbia Polychroma

I have grown Euphorbia Polychroma or Cushion Spurge in my garden for a long time. It is a beautiful perennial with striking foliage and it blooms  chartreuse yellow just after my tulips are finished, adding a much needed punch of color to our yard. It flowers for a long time in late spring and helps […]

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Rock Cress, Spring Charmer

I obtained my first rock cress plant by admiring the white flower (Arabis caucasica ‘snowfix’- white rock cress) in our neighbor’s yard. I complimented the owner on the beautiful white rock cress growing in her front border and she gave me a small plant to try in our yard. That original plant was very small […]

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Fountain Grass – Pennnisetum Hameln

One of the best things about having friends who garden is the selection of great plants that are always being shared. I firmly believe that when you get a new plant from a friend, it always does well. My reasoning is that the plant being shared is already thriving in your area’s soil and water […]

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Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’

Rudbeckia (Black-Eyed Susan) is a long-blooming plant with lots of golden orange black-eyed daisies that create a bright spot of color for many weeks in late summer. Their coarsely textured, hairy leaves make it easy to distinguish rudbeckia from coneflowers who otherwise look very similar. Easy to grow, rudbeckia naturalize well and require little maintenance. […]

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Verbena Bonariensis (Tall Verbena)

I first saw this plant in my neighbor’s garden. The landscape designer she hired had planted it in her front perennial bed which also included a variety of roses. Her verbena was situated in the center of the new garden and it grew taller than the rest of the plants. It looked great with the […]

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