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Garden Notes

Living with houseplants

Posted by Genie | December 31, 2011
Spider plant in pot

Spider plant (Chlorophytum) in cozy corner of family room

During the month of December we are all busy with holiday celebrations and the garden is far down on our list of winter activities. Probably the biggest gardening chore this time of year is caring for any houseplants while getting them ready to meet your guests. Now is a good time to clean foliage plants since dust can block leaf pores. It is simple to clean smooth leaves with a damp cloth or give those plants a quick shower under the tap or in the bathtub. Also, any plants with fuzzy or textured leaves should be sprayed gently to remove dust from the foliage and then allowed to dry thoroughly. Remember to always use room temperature water for plant bathing.

We had a lot of plants in our house when I was small and they just feel homey to me. My mom always had geraniums that were being wintered over, Christmas and Easter Cactus that bloomed right on schedule and a lot of begonia and fuchsia plants filling any sunny window. Most of those plants spent their summers outdoors on a shelf under the lilac trees and their winters indoors on our windowsills.

When I became an adult, I followed mom’s example and have grown houseplants anywhere I lived simply because it reminded me of home. However, in recent years I’ve read a lot of information about how these plants are actually good for more than decoration. Some information from the NASA program is included below.


The space program has led the way to a fascinating and important discovery about the role of houseplants indoors. NASA has been researching methods of cleansing the atmosphere in future space stations to keep them fit for human habitation over extended periods of time. They’ve found that many common houseplants and blooming potted plants help fight pollution indoors. They’re reportedly able to scrub significant amounts of harmful gases out of the air, through the everyday processes of photosynthesis. Some pollutants are also absorbed and rendered harmless in the soil.

So, in addition to those houseplants bringing a bit of nature inside to brighten up the cold winter months, they also help remove pollutants from the air we breathe. As such, I think they deserve a little respect and a place in the sun or at least a bright window!

3 Responses to “Living with houseplants”

  1. Rochelle Weiner says:

    Beautiful pic and interesting note about the research, Genie! Good to know there’s function behind that form. :)

  2. Milly O'Leary says:

    It is amazing how we wouldn’t want to live without houseplants. Somehow they make life indoors warm and inviting.

  3. Callie Tomczyk says:

    It’s amazing how “right” Mom was! :-)

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