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Garden Notes

Low Maintenance Gardens

Posted by Genie | August 27, 2012
perennial garden with ground covers

Perennial garden in Bayfield with shrubs, perennials and ground covers

This July my daughter Rochelle and I visited Bayfield, Wisconsin during a very hot spell of weather. It was at least 95 degrees and the only relief was a slight breeze from Lake Superior. We walked around and did a bit of shopping while enjoying the lake view with children playing on the beach and colorful boats in the harbor.

Bayfield draws many visitors because of their beautiful location and thriving art community. It has a lot of galleries, shops, hotels and restaurants and flowers are planted everywhere adding to the charm and small town feel.

We noticed that most shops and restaurants either had flowers planted in large pots or had small gardens with colorful shrubs, a few perennials or tall grasses and then various ground covers. Those small gardens looked great in spite of the hot, dry weather and I am sure many of the plants were chosen for low maintenance and were surprisingly colorful and attractive.

We had a great time being tourists in such a lovely town and I came away with a new appreciation of low maintenance gardens!


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