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Garden Notes

Decorative Herb Garden

Posted by Genie | September 3, 2013
Channel Six herb garden

Herb garden layout used as centerpiece of Channel Six garden

A few years ago I started growing herbs in my garden and was amazed at taste difference it makes in our food. Originally I started out with basil, oregano and chives and I slowly added Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Tarragon, Savory and Lemon Grass. I just love going out to the garden around 5 pm and picking both vegetables and herbs to complement them before starting to cook. Those herbs can totally change a recipe that I have used for years and I find that they make cooking more interesting and fun.

This year when I started to volunteer at the Channel Six garden, I noticed the herb garden flourishing in the center of their garden. Both useful and beautiful, that herb garden made the perfect centerpiece to enhance the design of the larger garden layout. Since their garden included chives, lavender and other blooming herbs, it also added color to what was mostly a green space.

So, based on the Channel Six garden, I created a decorative section in our yard to put the herbs that I had been growing. Located at the far end of what I call my pizza garden (tomatoes, peppers and onions), the new herb garden adds a nice design element to finish off the vegetable section of our home garden. My new herb garden gets plenty of sunshine, the plants are all happy and I love how it looks!

My herb garden

Herb Garden in our back yard basking in sunshine

3 Responses to “Decorative Herb Garden”

  1. Terri says:

    I love the layout! Very easy to take care of!

  2. Milly O'Leary says:

    Where did you get lemon grass? Is it perennial?

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